Response to "Using Kids as Ammunition' Mar 1, 2010

Response to "Using Kids as Ammunition' |    

Mar 1, 2010 ... I have lost track of the times I have read, “ Parent Alienation Syndrome sounds .... and the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges have all ... 2009: A Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases ...
Children are frequently more insightful than adults because they do not have the well-established, preconceived notions and prejudices of adults.  The child in choosing to live with the custodial parent is not 'brainwashed' at all but is the best judge of where he is happiest and well protected. 

By dismissing what he child says, calling it alienation, and assuming that somehow we know better, we are committing grievous and dangerous errors with lifetime disastrous repercussions on the children."
