CHILD-CENTERED DIVORCE" Trade promotion newspeak from the therapeutic jurisprudence collaborative parenting coordination lawyer therapy interdisciplinary advertiser mental helping professionals

Trade promotion newspeak from the therapeutic jurisprudence collaborative parenting coordination lawyer therapy interdisciplinary advertiser mental helping professionals    (Research below)
by liz

child-centered divorce" means anything at all, it would seem to be a description of the laws that now enable irrational adults to be children. And enable idiots to talk at those with a history of actually putting their children first as if these parents were incompetents, children themselves. "No-fault divorce" as originally coined was supposed to mean allowing mutual consent (uncontested divorce) as a ground for divorce. But it has transmogrified into "no-responsibility marriage", an ugly idea widely held that there should be no responsibility assigned for breaking vows or contracts, and no legal remedies for wrongdoing in marriage. Simultaneously, with the rise of the fathers' rights backlash and the therapeutic jurisprudence movement, divorce has transmogrified from something between adults into something all about the children. It's a government-created captive market for yentas and knowitalls, profiting where the resolution of real issues has been denied, displaced into a pretext of creating and attending to problems that need not have existed at all or are altogether imaginary (so much easier to solve). This is game playing.
It's newspeak, designed to enable a growing divorce industry of psychic vampires and bottom feeders plying their trades and giving advice, all going to relieve artificially-induced and misplaced guilt. For those who did wrong in their marriages, see, it's all okay now: just have a "bi-nuclear family" and a "child-centered divorce" and you need not worry about whether you did or are doing right or wrong by your ex-spouse or children. For those who did right, and who consequently don't have enough guilt, let's create some guilt by obfuscating the issues and blaming them for at least half of whatever misery occurs post-divorce, the actual cause of it be damned. Such as their not wanting to have a "child-centered divorce".
God forbid a parent who has been abusive, irresponsible, adulterous, or just selfish should suffer even a modicum of consequences. Not getting your "child-centered" way? Call a divorce coach. Hire a Guardian ad Litem. Move for appointment of a custody evaluator. Go to a therapist and get yourself validated or invalidated. Spend your time trekking down unproductive tangents. Divide up the children in half like they were inanimate property, and have a "child-centered divorce". Conversely, if you thought you were one seeking justice, why now you're a person who is really irresponsible and so unfriendly, so "un-child-centered". And "angry" (shame), likely personality disordered, and the real cause of "conflict"...
