Ritalin® Addiction http://www.drugsno.com/drug-information/ritalin-abuse/

Ritalin® Addiction

Ritalin® Addiction
Ritalin® is a drug used to treat attention deficit-disorder (ADD) in children and adults. A central nervous system stimulant, Ritalin (or methylphenidate) is similar to both amphetamines and cocaine, although its effects are generally milder and less pleasurable. Still, the increasing prevalence of ADD has prompted concerns about the drug’s potential for overuse. Appearance: Several companies produce methylphenidate, and tablets vary in appearance, depending on dosage and manufacturer. Street Names: Vitamin R, Rit. Actions: Although how, exactly, Ritalin relieves ADD symptoms remains unclear, researchers believe that the drug alters biochemical pathways involved in the screening of irrelevant stimuli by increasing the action of neurotransmitters known as catecholamines. Effects: Ritalin’s effects begin shortly after ingestion and last about three hours. At low doses, methylphenidate increases alertness and focus, while blocking hunger and fatigue. Objective effects include increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. Side Effects: Can include insomnia, rapid or arrhythmic heart beat, dizziness, irritability, and headaches. More severe reactions include agitation, changes in appetite and sleep habits, weight loss, and facial tics. Overdose is possible. Addiction Potential: While there is little evidence of physical addiction to (or abuse of) Ritalin when used under medical supervision, it can produce both tolerance and physical addiction when used recreationally. Legal Status: Methylphenidate is a Schedule II controlled substance, and both production and distribution are tightly controlled Trends: The U.S. has the highest rate of both ADD diagnosis and methylphenidate use in the world, with an estimated 1.5 million U.S. children currently using the drug each school day. While the number of kids diagnosed with ADD in recent years has prompted concern that the condition may be overdiagnosed (and Ritalin overprescribed), the new focus on the disorder has resulted in expanded use of the drug among adults, usually with good results and few side effects.
